Paper Jam's spiritual home, the basement of Travelling Man Newcastle, is now
a fab multi-purpose art/music venue known as Nerd Hutch. Also: a couple of weeks isn't a lot of time to get much comic-making done. Result: PJCC's 2nd and 4th Thursday meeting were getting difficult to timetable amongst gigs and were hard for jammers to commit to attending consistently.
Starting in April, the Paper Jam Comics Collective will meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month - still at 6.30pm and still at the Nerd Hutch at Travelling Man.
The March meetings are just a bit of shuffling around until we get to that point:
March 12th: there's
a gig in Nerd Hutch, so as a one-off Paper Jam will meet across the road at Geek Retreat (then maybe even go to the gig).
March 26th: meeting as normal (except this is the last 'official' fourth Thursday of a month).
THEN, for the rest of 2015:
9th April / 14th May / 11th June / 9th July / 13th August /
10th September / 8th October / 12th November / 10th December
all 6.30pm, at Travelling Man
And yeah, occasionally there may be other events or fourth Thursday drink-n-draws, or whatever, but those are the core dates, those are dates when maybe
stuff will get done, you can get a good chat, do a 24-minute comic, show off your latest publication, talk about upcoming events, etcetera. That's the plan, anyway.